The Health Benefits
Olive oil is one of the first “nutraceuticals” in the world, as it represents an essential nutrient for the body and a medicine with beneficial properties on the health. To be consumed with no side effects and no contraindications.
Extra virgin olive oil is a tasty, healthy, and natural food that, when consumed regularly, helps to maintain good health. It prevents various diseases, and by keeping cholesterol levels low, it protects our arteries. Olives extraction is therefore, besides being a very tasty ingredient, an excellent form of cardiovascular risk prevention.
It is also a great source of antioxidants including vitamin E, tocopherol, and various phenolic compounds. These are all molecules capable of defending our body against premature ageing by working against free radicals. Thus, with its many virtues beneficial to health, it is considered by doctors and nutritionists to be a medicinal food, synonymous with great flavour and well-being at the table.
Excellent when used raw, it is also the ideal condiment for all the dishes of the Mediterranean diet.
– Article by Dr. Lorenzo Palazzoli, oleologist, Doctor Surgeon University of Annunzio – Chieti –