The Farm
Lago Trasimeno, which borders Umbria, offers this central region of Italy a mild Mediterranean climate. Several thousand olive trees are surrounding this clear stretch of fresh water, which is among the largest in Italy. The great lake takes its name from a famous prince from an ancient local legend.
An enchanted landscape made up of century-old trees of the Dolce Agogia variety, it is the only place on earth where this variety can be found. The presence of ancient olive oil mills bears witness to an activity that helped to give strength and value to the agriculture of these rural hills.
By walking through these places, you can perceive the balance that has been established between man and nature. The water birds with the land ones, the wild herbs, the different trees species cultivated and maintained for centuries are managed with the utmost respect by the farmers who make the local agricultural activity thrive.
Today, more than ever before, the olive tree dominates the lakeside landscape and represents the activities of almost all the farms in the surrounding.
This is where the exceptional Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Umbria is born, one of the five sub-areas that make up the Umbria DOP (Denomination of Controlled Origin), a guarantee of quality and origin that reinforces and certifies an undeniable quality appreciated by everyone.
Today, it’s 20 hectares of olive trees that are cultivated by our farm. The olives are harvested mechanically within just a few days when they are ideally ripe to extract an oil with the desired organoleptic characteristic, allowing a perfect blend of phenolic substances and herbaceous fruity notes allowing the much-appreciated fragrance of Convivium.
If you would like to know more about the characteristics of the Umbria DOP, read “Umbria: protezione di un’origine” online.